Wholesale office chair from China Manufacturer, Competitive price and Good quality for you. MANY SAMPLE IS FREE.
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Contact Details

Whatsapp: +86-18566375141

Skype: beautylife0757

Email: sales@office-furniture-chair.com

Add: No.108 Chenjin Industry Area, Huaxi, Longjiang Town, Foshan, China

After Sale Service

Release Date2015-02-08 01:00

Kinmai Office Chair Co., Ltd offers after-sale service, our customer service staff will help you with any questions or concerns.
Under any circumstance, we will take well packed products pictures before shipping. So if any damage on products, please take pictures for us.
(1) If a product is delivered damaged or with parts missing but the packages are intact, normally take it as Easy office Furniture's responsibility, then Easy office Furniture will replace any missing or damaged items. However the customer must notify Kinmai Office Chair Co., Ltd in writing and provide evidence of any damage.
(2) If a product is delivered with damaged packaging then the customer must check the contents for damaged items, if there are any damages to the product with damaged packaging, generally this is the responsibility of the shipping company, or the damages or missing parts during installation.
Kinmai Office Chair Co., Ltd will replace the damaged components, charge extra fees and ship to customer with next order goods. If needed urgently, the new components can be delivered as soon as finished, the new components fees and delivery costs required to change over damaged components will not be covered by Kinmai Office Chair Co., Ltd.
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